Duck Race – Golden Duck Award to Darwen Mark 1327

CAM_2228.jpgThe 2021 Mark Festival Duck Race at Sawley provided us with a great day out on the river. Sunday was a little chilly in the breeze but the sun shone when it was supposed to do and the race went ahead as promised. Here are some of the pictures from the day

Stephen Lord writes :

The event on Sunday was very well supported with over 100 attending – even the sun joined us – a very rare occurrence. Sawley Village Hall was the venue where hot food,  a full bar serving a variety of drinks including Real Ale sponsored by Lancaster Brewery (the money from every pint going to the event).

CAM_2243.jpgThe aim of the event was to do a Fun Fundraiser, getting the whole family involved. So everyone including the children came away with a smile.  (I had set the children’s games so they all came away with a fishing net and plastic duck of their very own).

At 2pm the main event, the Lodge Duck Race started with over 50 large decorated ducks taking part. 1st place was taken by Darwen Mark 1327, closely followed by Roberts Mark 24 TI (Rochdale) in second place with Wycollar Mark 1582 (Colne) in third. I will present Darwen Mark with the Golden Duck Trophy at the Provincial Meeting at Blackburn.

The Individual Duck Race followed, which saw well over 1000 small ducks making their way from the Bridge at Sawley down the River Ribble, finishing opposite my house.


The 1st  across the line – (No 486) I. Shields from Hunter Mark 324 (Rhyl) (£75).

2nd – (No 192) Adam Grayson a Chemist from JM (£50)

3rd – (No 309) Malcolm McCarthy, Friendship Mark 1459 (Middleton) (£25).

Thank you all for your support and helping me put on such a Fun Fundraiser !

 thanks to Bob Summers John Barlow & Bryon Lingard for the images

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