East Lancashire Mark Wardens Mess 2018

Some shots of the recent Mark Wardens Mess –

Wardens Mess 2018

Stephen Lord (SW) John Green (JW), invited 22 Wardens.

Provincial Grand Wardens 2017-18 – WBro Stephen Lord PProvGSW with WBro John Green PProvGJW

The guests were the PGM, Past PGM Keith Partington Schofield –

PPGM RWBro Keith Partington Schofield with PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren

Special guest PGM Cumberland & Westmorland R.W.Bro Keith Hodson.

PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren with the PGM of Cumberland & Westmorland RWBro Keith Hodson

In addition our two new Wardens were also in attendance.

Provincial Wardens 2018/19 – WBro Ian Casson ProvGJW with WBro Martin Caller ProvGSW

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