East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge Of MMMs No.990 – Installation

IMG_0899Despite near traffic gridlock in Manchester City Centre last night, 93 Brethren (including a “cohort” of Grand Lodge Officers !) attended Bridge St to witness the Installation of WBro Alan Ward PGJD.
The Ceremony was meticulously performed by WBroStephen Holt PGJO PAPGM, who had previously invited VWBro Jeffrey Huddart PGJO APGM to handle the evenings proceedings. Respectfully declining, VWBro Huddart accompanied by fellow APGM WBro John Smith PGStwd later congratulated WBro Holt and his Officers on their performance and welcomed WBro Ward as the new Master of 990. On behalf of the ELMBF and Mark 2021 Festival, VWBro Huddart also gratefully accepted 2 cheques, each for £500 which had been donated by the Lodge.
A fine meal in the Derby Room rounded off a thoroughly enjoyable evening for all.

Assistant Provincial Grand Masters VWBro Jeffrey Huddart PGJO and WBro John Smith PGStwd welcome WBro Alan Ward, new Worshipful Master of East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of MMMs No.990.
Assistant Provincial Grand Masters VWBro Jeffrey Huddart PGJO and WBro John Smith PGStwd welcome WBro Alan Ward, new Worshipful Master of East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of MMMs No.990.

One thought on “East Lancashire Provincial Grand Officers Lodge Of MMMs No.990 – Installation

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    A very enjoyable evening I attended as a guest and as ever enjoyed it. Thank you W Bro Errock ProvAGSec for the invitation.

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