Bob the Builder visits Audenshaw – Over 70 Brethren last night attended the meeting of 1272 in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC accompanied by the Deputy PGM VWBro Alex McLaren PGJO and APGMs VWBro Jeffrey Huddart PGJO and WBro John Smith PGStwd.

In his year of Office, the Worshipful Master is expected to give a paper of interest and on this occasion, WBro Rod Geeson PGJD with the assistance of Members of the Lodge and 3 Members of County Palatine Lodge 156 gave us a “Twenty First Century version of the Mark Degree Ritual”. Ensuring that a disclaimer was first read by the Secretary, the WM and his entourage entertained us with a Ritual amended to take into account health and safety legislation and risk assessment.

Excellent performances were given in a light-hearted manner, soundly enjoyed by all the Brethren.
The evening concluded with the Social Board, at which several Lodge Members were active in selling the Lodges very own beer “The Mark Brew” raising a magnificent £420 for the 2021 Festival !