We traveled by air on the 24th February for the Mark Inspectorate meeting and returned on the 25th.
The evening started with the opening of the Lodge of Peveril No 323 MMM. After carrying out the usual business of the summons, came the introduction of the Grand Inspector, VWBro Martin Blackburn, the PGM RWBro Keith Hodgson and Deputy PGM VWBro Kirkbride from Cumberland and Westmoreland. This began the yearly Inspectorate Meeting.
The Lodge Officers then performed the Installation, which was conducted by the Worshipful Master in an exemplary manner. The Inspectorate DC then took over and acknowledged the appointment of their Inspectorate DC to Grand Inner Guard (Acting). After this, RWBro Keith Dalrimple,the Provincial Grand Master in the Craft, was then presented with a Certificate for attaining RAM Grand Rank in the Province of Cumberland and Westmoreland. This was unusual as it is normally him presenting Certificates to Brethren. TheLodge was then closed.
Afterwards, we enjoyed a fabulous Festive Board as guests of the Inspectorate. East Lancashire Brethren cemented relationships with many new and old friends on the Island, along with the Brethren from Cumberland and Westmoreland. It was a great pleasure to represent East Lancashire with its usual warmth and fraternal friendship.
WBro David Greenhalgh PAGDC