East Lancs PGM presents Cheshire Mason with Apron – is this a first ?

PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren presents Cheshire Mason WBro John Cavanagh with his Grand Stewards Apron.
PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren presents Cheshire Mason WBro John Cavanagh with his Grand Stewards Apron.

On the return train journey from Grand Lodge (a full report of which will follow shortly), the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren took time out to make three presentations.

The first of these was to WBro John Cavanagh who received Grand Rank honours via Cheshire Province, being promoted to Grand Steward. Courtesy of East Lancs, John received his traditional Grand Stewards Apron which the PGM took great pleasure in presenting.

Our own WBro Howard Nuttall was the second recipient of the coveted Apron – congratulations Howard from all of us on your deserved promotion to Grand Steward !

WBro Howard Nuttall GStwd receiving his Grand Stewards Apron from the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.
WBro Howard Nuttall GStwd receiving his Grand Stewards Apron from the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.

Last but not least was a retirement gift of jewellery to our outstanding Virgin Trains Stewardess Tracy, who has looked after all of us so well on our numerous trips to London over the last few years – we’ll miss you Tracy !

Virgin Trains Stewardess Tracy receiving a retirement gift from the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.
Virgin Trains Stewardess Tracy receiving a retirement gift from the PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.

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