East meets West at Peace Mark 681 (West Yorks)

RWBro James Steggles GMRAC PGM West Yorks, WBro Beverley Heywood PAGDC WM and RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren PGM

Yesterday saw the meeting of Peace Lodge of MMMs No 681 at Uppermill Masonic Hall, where some 60 Brethren from West Yorkshire and East Lancashire Provinces got together to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of that Lodge.

Why East Lancs Masons you may well ask? During the presentation of the history of the Lodge, the reason became clear – the Founders of Peace Mark were all Members of Union 171 which although an East Lancs Lodge, also now meets at Uppermill under permanent dispensation (although in 1919 was based in Oldham Town Centre).

The PGMs of both Provinces were also present, RWBro James Steggles GMRAC accompanied by his Deputy and Assistant PGMs with a Provincial Deputation, together with RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren.

WBro Bev Heywood PAGDC WM (now also a Member of Union 171) surprised RWBro Steggles with a very generous Lodge Donation of £5000 for the West Yorks MBF 2023 Festival.

On the subject of generosity, some good-natured Lancashire/Yorkshire ribbing, of course, took place during the very pleasant morning/afternoon with the West Yorks contingent finally promising to pay for the drinks for all East Lancs Masons there who would also be at the Lodges 150th Celebration!

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