Exposition delivered at 990 Ram Investiture

Over 90 Royal Ark Mariners attended the 990 Provincial RAM Grand Rank Investiture meeting on 30th October at Rochdale Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master received the gavel from the current WM and proceeded to thank the many members who had attended that evening albeit there had been upheaval on the M62 motorway and surrounding roads. Each of the officers of the year, of which almost all had attended were named and introduced by the PGM. It was impressive to see so many in attendance. The PGM went on to set the scene for the coming investiture and described the process through which each recipient must pass and the expectations from them both at lodge and provincial level. All of the recipients had come through the process admirably. Simon Archer, the Provincial DC and his team individually processed each recipient to the PGM who presented them with their honour and certificate. Very nicely done. 

Whilst in the Chair the PGM explained to the recipients that just over 55% of Mark Masons were in the RAM Degree, which is not a bad position to be in, but it could be improved. Some 45% of Mark Masons are not in the Degree which means there are around 400 Masons not enjoying the RAM style of Masonry and he encouraged all of them to discuss RAM masonry and suggest membership to those who had not joined the Degree. Apparently, the class of 2016 did OK but he knew the 2017 crop could do better. he also stated that the current officers of the year who had turned out in number could only be in attendance today because they were all RAM’s.

At this stage of proceedings, the PGM introduced the subject of the Gopher Wood Address or Exposition, nothing of which was known by the vast majority of those in attendance.  He explained that at a recent RAM Installation he witnessed this short address directed at the Commander of the lodge after the installation ceremony. He had suggested the SW and JW  learn this rare and little-known piece of ritual for today’s meeting, they were delighted at the idea and pleased to perform it for us on the evening.  I must admit, I had never heard it before, but it was based on the flood and Noah passages that we are familiar with. If anyone wants a copy of it to let me know via the comments section.

W.Bro David Winstanley then resumed his rightful place in the Commander’s chair and the rest of the meeting was completed in style. 

Our Festive board was well served and heartily received by the brethren staying for the meal. I cant write any more about this. You all know we have a good time amongst friends and are well fed whilst raising money for the 2021 Festival. The food was great and company unbeatable. 

The PGM again picked up on the 2021 Festival and reminded us all his three priorities are Membership, ELMBF and the Festival. Reporting the total was £250K and that being after a slow start due to the end of the Craft Festival. All of the Mark and RAM lodges had made a donation with a few already achieving Grand Patron status. 

He left us with two questions

“Do you know what your current Lodge Contribution is”

“Do you know what plans your lodge has to raise money for the 2021 festival”

If your answer to either of these questions is NO. then I ask you to find out

It was a very enjoyable evening and wonderful to see deserving RAM being honoured with Provincial Grand Rank.


4 thoughts on “Exposition delivered at 990 Ram Investiture

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    Great night with the Provincial Deputation and a real joy to see the guys receiving Provincial Grand Honours. Liked the bit about the Gopher Wood. Must get a copy of it from the S.W.

    1. George Wm Davis Reply

      The work shown by both Wardens was of such quality that it made you listen and it was truly worth the effort!
      Never heard it before but would like a copy for future reference. Please.

      1. Bob Summers Reply

        In total agreement. I will ask John Green the JW to send me a copy so that I can copy you in.
        Keep an eye on your inbox.

        John if you read this then please send a copy to me.

    2. Bob Summers Reply

      Managed to source a copy of the Exposition dialogue. If anyone would like to receive a copy then please respond to this comment. It really is worth reading again.

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