Fabric Mark Lodge No 939

On Tuesday, 20th December Fabric Mark Lodge No 939 held its meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. This meeting was rather special as they were carrying out an Advancement ceremony along with help from the Lodge of instruction Semper Paratus.

The Worshipful Master Bro Stuart Smith opened the meeting at 6:40 with 15 brethren in attendance including RWBro Alexander S McLaren, PPGM. The main business of the meeting was the Advancement of Bro John Andrew Ling, a member of Probity & Freedom Craft Lodge No 367. The ceremony was carried out by the Worshipful Master Bro Stuart Smith in a very fitting manner along with some of the members from Semper Paratus Lodge who assisted in the proceedings.

The business of the evening being ended the brethren then moved downstairs to the dining room and were served a very pleasant 3-course meal. The atmosphere around the table was excellent and more good news for Fabric Mark Lodge as they have another candidate for Advancement in the New Year. Wishing this Lodge a very successful season ahead.

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