Fabulous Fellowship Dinner

The Fellowship Dinner held on Saturday 21st November at the CAM_4197.jpgHoliday Inn at Bolton was a fabulous affair. The star of the event being the Cloisters venue room which was part of a 16th century church that had been cleverly incorporated into the Hotel Structure. The organisers deserve a pat on the back for this one. The entire event was very well received by the 130 plus guests who attended. The food was good, the service at the table was good, the bar pricing was good and the entertainment was good. Did I mention it was all rather good.

CAM_4252.jpgA raffle during the evening made quite a few people smile with excellent prizes being offered to the winners. Many of us decided to stay over at the Hotel resulting in plenty of dancing and festivities continuing late into the evening and quite a few bleary eyes at Breakfast the following morning.

It really was a great night and from the comments overheard at the bar etc, probably the best Fellowship dinner to date. It will certainly take some beating.

Here is the first batch of smiling faces from the evening. Click on any of the pictures and it will open in another window. You can then click left or right using the keyboard keys or your mouse left click button.

If you would like a High Resolution copy of any picture just leave a comment stating the image number and I will email it you.

3 thoughts on “Fabulous Fellowship Dinner

  1. thomas stewart mills Reply

    We were on table 16 a very happy bunch of people in deed. The food\service was 5 star. Well done to all.

  2. Kevin Reaney Reply

    A great night had by all, many thanks to all those who supported the event.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Hi Kevin.
      We had a really good time. The venue was excellent and probably usable on more than one occassion. We stayed overnight and even had time for shopping on the Sunday. From Jackies perspective a definite 10/10

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