Faith 20 Mark & RAM

WBro Martin Caller ProvGSW with WM WBro Craig Wood

At Middleton Masonic Hall last night, one of the oldest Lodges in the Province, Faith 20 held their Mark meeting preceded by a brief meeting of the RAM Lodge. In attendance was the Deputy PGM, VWBro John Hartley Smith who was accompanied by a Deputation of 10 of the Acting Provincial Officers of the year. Together with 6 visitors they greatly enhanced the evening as only 7 Members of Faith were able to attend.
In the Chair of both Degrees was WBro Craig Wood who was presented by the Deputy PGM with the Collarettes and Jewels of an MBF Grand Patron Lodge (Mark) and MBF Patron Lodge (RAM) as a result of the generous donations each Lodge had made to the 2021 Festival.

The Social Board followed and out came the Double Chance Draw Cards! Not one, but two were completed, the winners being WBros Carl Buckley and Cliff Jewell.

All in all a very pleasant evening.

Words & pics by TSM

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