Father and son – night to remember

Adoniram Lodge No 1065 met on Tuesday the 25th of January to Advance Bro Alex Wright.
It’s always good to see an advancement at any time but the event was made extra special for Alex and all present as his dad WBro Ken Wright skilfully assisted by the lodge officers performed the ceremony.
Also in attendance and supported by a contingent of Provincial Officers was WBro Kevin Reaney, APGM who said on the evening that he had enjoyed the whole proceedings. He then presented Alex with his East Lancashire welcome pack which includes a personal letter from the Provincial Grand Master, a brief history of our province and a Mark Token.
Everyone was in fine form on the night and the social board was a happy place to be in January, along with a meal of Lancashire fish and chips which went down a treat.

2 thoughts on “Father and son – night to remember

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    Fish and Chips, why didn’t anyone tell me.

  2. Mark Rowe Reply

    What a good do. Really enjoyed the ceremony. I got the feeling that Alex is a bit of a star in them thar-hills. Well done a great night.

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