Fellowship Funday – Moved indoors due to weather

family-fun-day-logoMoved indoors

The Weather forecast for Sunday is quite poor so we  have made all the fun and events available indoors. See you all there regardless of the weather.

The Fellowship Funday is almost upon is this coming Sunday 23rd August.1:00 pm to 3:30 pm and a fun-filled day is guaranteed. Bring along the family and anyone else who fancies a good afternoon of fun and laughter. Tickets are available from you Fellowship representatives.

Brass Band, Roulette, Beat the Pig Stall, Bottle Stall, Sales of Mark Merchandise, Sale of unwanted Regalia, Display of Classic Cars, Colouring Competition for the Juniors, Face Painting, etc. BBQ The Chef at Middleton will be preparing a barbecue with Burgers, Sausages, Mixed meat kebab and Chips and of course there will be full Bar Facilities available.

Click here for latest details


3 thoughts on “Fellowship Funday – Moved indoors due to weather

  1. Magic Philip Reply

    Thank you for inviting me. I’m looking forward to entertaining the families with my Magic & Balloons. Philip of http://www.MagicPhilip.co.uk

  2. Gordon Rosbotham Reply

    Should read SUNDAY 23rd August!!

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Thanks Gordon, well spotted. I have made the change to the post. Hopefully see you there on Sunday instead.

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