First Meeting at Cotton Rooms

Goulburn Lodge Of Mark Master Masons No 680 held their first meeting at the Cotton Rooms, Rook Street in Oldham after moving from their previous premises at Valentinos Restaurant, 8 Retiro Street, Oldham.

In attendance was VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM, along with a Provincial deputation and 7 members of the Lodge. After setting up the room ready for the meeting, the Worshipful Master, Bro Harvey Kaye then welcomed all present to this their new home. WBro Dr Craig Wood gave a eulogy in recognition of the sad loss WBro Keith Walker, PProvGSD, who was called to higher service on 1st June 2022.

WBro Wood then proclaimed WBro Harvey Kaye as the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year, who appointed and invested his officers. A donation of £200 was made to VWBro David H Thompson on behalf of the ELMBF which was very gratefully received. During the meeting, 3 candidates were proposed which bodes well for the future of the Lodge.

Following the meeting, we all went downstairs to a large dining area for our meal which was extremely generous for the price. We all enjoyed good fellowship and conversation after which a raffle was held raising the princely sum of £95 for charity. A most enjoyable meeting with the hope that Goulburn Lodge has found themselves a new permanent home for their future.

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