First visit to Darwen Masonic Hall

This was my first visit to Darwen Masonic Hall, Hawkshaw Avenue, and I was very impressed with the building with its high arched ceiling constructed of large timber beams as it was an original church building back in the day.

The meeting of Darwen Mark Lodge No 1327 was held on Monday 20th March and was indeed very well attended by 27 brethren. On this occasion, VWBro David H Thompson, APGM, was present along with a deputation team of six, which included the Senior and Junior Wardens of the year and the Grand Steward.

The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Bro Philip Beaumont who thanked the APGM and the deputation team for attending the meeting. The Lodge Junior Warden WBro Chris Dignan was declared the Master Elect for the ensuing year who then thanked the brethren for their confidence. Next on the summons was a paper written by WBro Martin Roche in 2009 and was presented by WBro John Rimmer PAGDC. It was a very interesting and unique paper and was well received by the brethren.

The business of the Lodge being ended a couple of pictures were taken. This was followed by a substantial two-course meal with much chatting and banter in the room, it was indeed a very pleasant meeting

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