Fixture at Rochdale Masonic Hall

On Thursday 30th March, Rugby Mark Lodge No 1965 held its regular fixture meeting at Rochdale Masonic Hall. Kick-off was on time as the Worshipful Master blew the whistle to start the procedure off in good order.

The Worshipful Master, VWBro J Edmund Barton PGJO welcomed the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith along with a strong attendance of the Deputation team into the Lodge and thanked them all for taking time out to attend the meeting. He then offered the gavel to the PGM and on this occasion, he did return it and then proceeded to introduce the Deputation.

The next item on the summons was a talk given by the Worshipful Master about the similarities between Freemasonry and rugby ( sports ) in the sense that both have the same interests in looking after each other. The talk was given from the heart and everybody in the Lodge room was concentrating on the sincere message being put across by the Master.

The business of the Lodge being ended the final whistle was given at around 7:55. Onto the dining room where 30 brethren sat down to a nice 3-course meal and a lovely atmosphere in the room. A raffle took place with three good prizes on the table and raised a substantial amount for good causes.

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