Follow East Lancs Mark Here

Follow ELPGLIf you look at the bottom left corner of the website, just toggle down to the bottom, there is a terribly important little box that says “Follow East Lancs Mark Here” It looks like the box on the left. Perhaps you’re a new visitor to the Provincial Website, or maybe your like me and visit almost every day. Well this little box of tricks is an absolute gem if you want to keep up to date with whats going on in the Province. All you have to do is add your email address to the box and click on the “Follow” button. You will then receive an email in your inbox confirming you have been registered, and from then on each time there is a new item of news or a comment to something that is going on you will receive an email to let you know. It doesn’t cost any money and there is no exchange of personal information or any of that stuff. It just means you don’t miss anything. The number of subscribers already signed up is displayed, but its early days yet. Do it now, it makes keeping up to date a heck of a lot easier.

7 thoughts on “Follow East Lancs Mark Here

  1. Keith Schofield Reply

    Superb installation meeting at Adoniram Mark 1065 last night (26/11). Installing Master 81 years young hardly missed a word. Wonderful support from the Provincial team once again, over 70 attended in total. Excellent festive board, good fellowship, what more could you want.

    1. David Rainford Reply

      The Installing Master did a superb job of making it a special night for the new Master and making the ceremony look easy. It was an enjoyable night for the members of the Lodge and for the members of the Provincial Deputation who had accompanied the Provincial Grand Master.
      When replying at the Festive Board our Provincial Grand Master was temporarily lost for words when it was pointed out by the Senior Warden that it was also a special night for him, as it was 10 years to the day since he was Installed as Provincial Grand Master. He soon got back into his stride and gave an entertaining account of his visits to Adoniram Lodge during those 10 years.

      1. Tony Hindle WM Adoniram 1065 Reply

        It was indeed a special night for me, enhanced by the presence of such distinguished guests.
        A great night had by all.

  2. james mcnally Reply

    Bob this looks good to me Jim mc

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Ensure you insert your email address and click on Follow. Easy as that to stay in the loop.

  3. George Wm Davis Reply

    I’m sure I have done this very thing before.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      If you have received an email telling you about it then Yes you have already signed up and your one of the first 16 to do so.
      Just goes to show it works and the recipient is kept well informed.
      You couldn’t have explained it any better.
      Thanks George

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