Future for Rose of York RAM

On Tuesday, 28th June at Westholme Masonic Hall, Mossley, The Rose Of York Mark Lodge No 1010 held their installation meeting. In attendance was WBro David G Rainford, Dep Prov Grand Master, VWBro David H Thompson, APGM along with 22 brethren from around the Province. The Director of Ceremonies of the Lodge was VWBro Ian Brookes PGJO and it was nice to see him in action once again in the province.

The proceedings of the Lodge were opened up at 6:25 pm by the Master in the Chair, VWBro Ian Brookes who then proceeded to install WBro David G Rainford into the chair of Adoniram in a very fitting manner. The Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his team for the ensuing year. During the meeting, the remaining original members of the Lodge announced their resignations.

Immediately following a meeting of the Mark Lodge an emergency meeting of the Rose of York RAM Lodge was opened by the Master in the Chair, WBro David H Thompson, APGM. The main business of the meeting was to elect 11 joining members to the Lodge which was successful. Following the ballot, WBro Thompson thanked the original members for agreeing to the ballot which would ensure that the Lodge now had a more stable future.

The Rose of York Mark & RAM Lodges will be leaving Westholme Masonic Hall, Mossley in the near future and be moving to Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester. This move is a big step forward for the Province of East Lancashire which is an attempt to engage the younger brethren to join this excellent degree. He thanked the brethren who sadly will not be moving to Manchester Hall for their long-standing commitment to the Rose of York Mark and RAM Lodges and wished them well for the future.

Both meetings having ended the brethren moved into the dining room for a lovely 3-course meal. The DepPGM, WBro David G Rainford, spoke about the past history of this Lodge and how optimistic the Province was with the introduction of the new younger brethren and the long term future of both the Mark and RAM Lodges. A splendid evening was had by all.

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