Gawthorpe RAM installs new Commander

RW Bro Keith Schofield W.C. Peter ChristieGawthorpe Royal Ark Mariner Lodge 1014; which is attached to Gawthorpe Lodge of Mark Master Masons installed its new Worshipful Commander Bro Peter Christie on Monday 1st December. The new worship commander is a popular and experienced Freemason of many orders and rank and it was a pleasure to see him installed in the Chair of not only Gawthorpe RAM 1014 but also Shuttleworth Council of Allied Masonic Degrees No 50 on the same evening.

Gawthorpe RAM officers
Worshipful Commander with his Officers

The meeting was well attended by members of Gawthorpe Lodge but unfortunately we had no visitors on this occasion, which was quite a surprise for an Installation.  It mattered not as the ceremony was ably conducted by W.Bro Stephan Karl Jansen and his installing officers. The Provincial Grand Master RW.Bro Keith Schofield GMRAC was in attendance and had a thoroughly good evening with the brethren.

Our social board at Burnley Masonic Hall is a welcomed affair as the meal is always wholesome and substantial and being self-service encourages a healthy appetite and in some instances, over indulgence, but there are never any complaints, such is the occasion.

Gawthorpe RAM members at Installation
Members of Gawthorpe RAM Lodge 1014 at Installation Meeting

The evening ended in fine form at a decent hour with the brethren looking forward to the coming year and talk of acquiring a candidate or two. Fingers Crossed!

One thought on “Gawthorpe RAM installs new Commander

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    Thoroughly good evening with the brethren and glad to know we will be remaining at Burnley Masonic Hall for future meetings. Lets all work together to see if we can encourage a Mark Mason to join us end extend his own understanding of this wonderful order. I may know just the chap.

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