George Farnworth Nuttall Lodge No. 1405 Installation

The Installation meeting of GFN took place at Clayton le Moors Masonic Hall on Thursday 5th September 2014. There were 30 members and visitors present.

Bro. Barry Whipp was installed into the chair of Adoniram by the Worshipful Master, Bro. Anthony Wells in a very accomplished manner. The addresses were all delivered competently and the Lodge is in good heart.

Bro. Barry presented cheques to W.Bro. John Smith, P.G.Stwd., A.Prov.G.M. of £250 for the 2021 Mark Festival, £50 towards the cost of the Provincial meeting and £200 to ‘Mill House’, which is Clayton le Moors Masonic Hall, a grand total of £500. What amazing generosity from a relatively small Lodge – thank you.

Following the meeting, the brethren enjoyed a pleasant social board and the noise in the room indicated that all were having a good time. The raffle raised in excess of £110 and by 10.00pm, we were all on our way home.

A very enjoyable night of Mark Masonry.

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