George Farnworth Nuttall – MBF Grand Patron

The Mark Benevolent Fund 2021 Festival has only 20 months to run, but the Mark Masons of George Farnworth Nuttall Lodge 1405 still have their eye on the ball. At their recent meeting on 7th November, the Provincial Grand Master along with a provincial delegation paid a visit to the Lodge in Clayton le Moors. The rooms in Clayton are very well presented with the added benefit of adjacent parking. Which when the weather is poor is an absolute winner. They have a comfortable and well-stocked bar, plus catering is of a high standard. You should attend more often.

The Worshipful Master Stephen Jackson had a full summons to work through including a presentation of a lecture entitled “Mark Men and Mark Masters” to be delivered by W.Bro David Greenhalgh, but prior to that, the Provincial Grand Master Alexander Sillars McLaren interrupted proceedings with the news that the Lodge had achieved the status of Grand Patron of the Mark Benevolent Fund in their efforts toward the 2021 Festival and it was with great pleasure that he presented the W.M with the Lodges Collarette to reflect their new status. 

The lecture was well received by the brethren and raised a few questions at the bar afterwards regarding the differences between Mark Men and Mark Master. It was a thoroughly enjoyable meeting.

As mentioned the catering at Clayton is very good and the brethren certainly enjoyed their meals. The necessary toasts were given and the Provincial Grand Master responded with a further reminder on the MBF 2021 Festival and the need for recruitment into the Mark Degree. Stating that the Province was always open to assist in any events or recruitment efforts to gain new members. 

The usual raffle took place and raised the princely sum of £101.00, which for the number present was a Stirling effort, and I do believe the top prize was won by one of the Provincial Deputation, how lucky was that W.Bro Summers.

A visit to GFN Mark Lodge is always an enjoyable one and the brethren there will welcome you to their next meeting on Thursday 5th March 2020.




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