GF Nuttal 1405 – Patron Honorific not far away.

George Farnworth Nuttall Mark Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 1405 were very pleased to hear they had almost achieved Patron Status in their 2021 Festival efforts. 

The latest meeting of GF Nuttall on the Thursday 7th March was an educational affair based around the current MBF 2021 Festival. The Worshipful Master Bro John Bowes managed the business of the Lodge, passing accounts and receiving various reports on health issues of the brethren from the lodge Almoner.

As planned a short presentation took place to explain the Mark Benevolent Fund 2021 Festival and East Lancashire’s part within it. The history of the MBF was discussed and the fund’s activities, which surprised many members, was explained. It was made clear that this was our turn to support the festival, which comes around every 42 years. We all agreed we wouldn’t get another chance to raise a total which we all could be proud of. 

It was explained there are several ways to support and donate to the festival, the simplest being a regular monthly donation via DD through your bank. As little as £5.00 per month from every member would make a huge difference when the festival closes in July 2021. A single donation via a cheque or Bank transfer to the fund is also viable, plus you can support the festival by attending some of the social events organised in aid of the Festival. In most cases, an Honorific is available for qualifying donations.

The presentation continued further at the social board where W.Bro Bob Summers responded to the visitor’s toast and talked about the local work of the fund and the big differences it makes at a very close and personal level. The small awards of a few hundred pounds that make such a world of difference to widows, children, members and dependents of the Fund. The brethren got into the spirit of the festival and each received a copy of the short presentation plus details on single and regular donations. 

I’m sure the Patron Honorific won’t be too far away.

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