Gold Patrons Brooch presented at Newly Promoted Officers Lunch

WP_20160410_14_37_40_ProThe Lunch for the Officers promoted or appointed during 2015 was held at Accrington Masonic Hall on Sunday the 10th April. The honoured Guests were the Provincial Grand Master Alex McLaren and his wife Leslie.

There were 74 officers and their partners present, they enjoyed a welcome drink in the lounge on their arrival and then went in to dine, the meal was excellent and was enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere of  friendly conversation.

WP_20160410_15_30_28_ProThe Provincial Grand Master spoke after the meal and thanked everyone for coming and especially thanked the Stewards at Accrington John and Barbara Peters. John was promoted to PProv GJW in May and they should have been sat at one of the tables relaxing but they were busy supervising the preparation and  serving of the meal.

The Provincial Grand Master then had a most pleasant duty to perform. Barbara Peters had organised a Christmas Gala Party and had raised £3,000 for the 2021 Festival, follow this link to read about the event

The PGM was pleased to present Barbara with a Gold Patrons Brooch and a certificate  marking the contribution she had made to the Fund.


He went on to say that there were awards available for Ladies who contributed to the Mark Benevolent Fund and that after conferring with the PGM’s of other neighbouring Provinces he was pleased to say that this was the first of these awards presented in the  North of the Country.

The award can be worn as a broach or can be attached to a chain and worn as a necklace.

The Guests are shown in the Gallery below




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