Goulburn 680 – is this a first ??

Wednesday 28th March saw a Provincial Team arriving in the bowels of the Old Bill restaurant in Oldham to support RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren, Provincial Grand Master in his visit to Goulburn Mark 680.

WBro Andy Hickson ProvGStwd, WBro Steve Lawlor ProvAGDC, WBro Garry Errock ProvAGSec and RWBro Alex McLaren PGM

Lodge meetings here start with drinks in the basement bar followed by a trek upstairs to the first floor Lodge Room (complete with Glitter Ball for the post Lodge disco !). On this occasion, due mainly to Easter Holidays, Lodge Members were a little thin on the ground with the result that all Members of the Deputation ended up in an Office for the evening. (I thought I’d got away with it till the Senior Warden leaned over to inform me I was a Deacon). The PGM commented he thought this was probably the first occasion he had visited a Lodge with all members of his team getting a job in the Lodge – himself included as he was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge on the night !

WBro Steve Lord ProvGSW with the PGM RWBro Alex McLaren

The Lodge had intended putting on a Demo Advancement, but due to the scarcity of Lodge Members this was changed to a Lecture given by the WM Bro Dr.Craig Wood, on RWBro J.W.Goulburn after whom the Lodge was named. The Lecture was thoroughly researched and prepared by the WM himself and provided a fascinating insight into the life and times of one of the former Members of the Province who passed to the Grand Lodge above exactly 100 years ago.

The PGM admires the WM Bro Craig Wood “demolishing the brandy”

The evening concluded with some fine dining and much merriment, enhanced by the now traditional passing round of the brandy glass !

WBro Garry Errock PGStB ProvAGSec

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