Grand Lodge Officers 1383

On Monday, 7th November at Manchester Hall it was the installation meeting of the Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge No 1383 with a membership comprising solely of Grand Lodge Officers of the Mark Degree from subscribing members from within the Province.

In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master, along with the three other members of the executive, WBro David G Rainford, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, and the two APGM’s VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, and WBro Kevin Reaney, PGJD, along with over 49 distinguished brethren.

The proceedings of the Lodge were carried out by the Worshipful Master Bro Jeffrey A Huddart, PGSO who welcomed the Provincial Grand Master into this very prestigious meeting of Grand Lodge officers. This evening the Worshipful Master was pleased to welcome six new members into the Lodge.   

The installation was carried out for the Master Elect, WBro Garth R Green, PGJD, by the Worshipful Master Bro Jeffrey A Huddart in a splendid manner. The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to appoint and invest his new team into their respective positions within the Lodge. The meeting closed at 7:25 pm after which we then proceeded to the dining room where we were served a splendid silver service four-course meal in fine style.  


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