Grand Lodge Visit

On Tuesday the 13 September, many East Lancashire Mark Masons had an early start meeting at Piccadilly train station at 8:30 am to catch the 9:12 Avanti train to Euston London. Thanks to W.Bro Malcolm Mcarthy for his efforts in the organisation on the day. 26 brethren got on board for a most enjoyable trip down to the Capital City. The newly invested Grand Steward of the year WBro Martin Caller was presented with his new Steward’s apron by RWBro John Hartley Smith, PGM before serving us all a pre-prepared meal followed by the traditional gin & tonic or whiskey.
Four brethren from the Province received promotions in Grand Rank honours which were very well deserved indeed. The meeting in Grand Lodge was a prestigious event with the new Rulers being invested in a fitting manner, followed by a beautiful trumpet fanfare. The proceedings of the day being ended most of the brethren proceeded towards the bar. On to the social board with over 450 brethren sitting down to a silver service three-course meal and fine wines. Finally, we had to leave to catch the Avanti train back to Manchester Piccadilly, on which we were served drinks by the Grand Steward. The day was a great success all round.

One thought on “Grand Lodge Visit

  1. Stephen Lord Reply

    Wish i was with you. Enjoying the fellowship. Still in India.

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