Grand Mark Lodge June 2014

There were 85 Brethren from East Lancashire at the Meeting of Grand Mark Lodge held on Tuesday the 10th June, when the Grand Master invested the new Pro Grand Master R.W.Bro. Richard Victor Wallis, JP, the Deputy Grand Master R.W.Bro. H. Keith Emmerson and R.W.Bro. Raymond John Smith, as the new Assistant Grand Master.

The Meeting was starting early because of the 3 investitures and it was an early start at Piccadilly Station when the Brethren met to catch the 7:55 am train to Euston, others joined the train at Stockport, Macclesfield and Crewe and we again had a carriage to ourselves with Tracey our usual steward from Virgin Rail in attendance.

The outgoing Grand Stewards did us proud with drinks and food on the way down and then it was a dash to Great Queen Street to get a good seat.

The PGM was involved in all 3 investitures as a patent bearer and he was word perfect! we had 13 Brethren receiving honours they are listed here

WP_20140610_010After the meeting there were drinks at several of the local hostelries and one group met up with some Brethren from an Italian Lodge who enquired about the new red Festival ties they were wearing, they thought they were for a new order they didn’t know about, it resulted in several Festival lapel badges being donated to our new found friends.

The Banquet was held in the Connaught rooms and because we had so many dining we were all seated in the Balmoral Suite, the PGM was with us and he took some pictures during the meal .

A visit had been arranged to the Houses of Parliament on Wednesday Morning and 42 of us set off by coach at 8:45 am to join the queue to get through security for our scheduled tours to start on time. The early start was necessary as the tours had to finish by 10:30 due to Prime Ministers Question time. We were in 2 separate groups and the tour guides for both groups were very informative.

There were several places to visit and we had members at the Shard, Fortnum and Masons and several of the Museums. The taxi drivers were staging a “go slow protest” so we had to do quite a bit of walking as the centre of London was grid locked.

We were put on an earlier train on the return journey and for a change we arrived home in bright sunshine!


One thought on “Grand Mark Lodge June 2014

  1. Garry Errock Reply

    The Visit to Grand Lodge and some observations on a drinking experience!
    Fantastic couple of days – well done to Malcolm McCarthy in particular for all the organising!
    We even had time for a swift pint before Grand Lodge although it was hard work getting served –
    Me – “Two pints of bitter and a lemonade please”
    Barmaid – “Que ??”
    Me – “Errr – este cerveza – dos – grandes – y un fanta limon ?”
    Barmaid – “Ahhh, si senor”
    Handed over a crisp tenner and stared forlornly at the 50p change placed in my palm whilst thinking “that would’ve been the change from a fiver in Uppermill”. Made my way back to our table and nodded to my mates at the group of Masons in the corner who had all collectively cried “HOW much ??” and were now crying into their beers – me ” ahh you’re from West Yorkshire ??” them “Yeah”

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