After meeting up around 10 am at Piccadilly Station, 32 Mark Masons were guided by trip organiser WBro Malcolm McCarthy onto the waiting Virgin Train.
Waiting for us once again was Tracey our usual trusty Virgin Hostess. At precisely 10.15 am we were off to London. Within 25 minutes we were served with a packed lunch and dare I say a gin & tonic or whisky to boot.
After arriving at Euston a short taxi trip took us straight to Great Queen St and Freemasons Hall. All were seated by 2 pm when proceedings started.
The following East Lancs Brethren then all received their well deserved promotions:
VWBro John Smith DepPGM (Whitestone 1080) – PGJO, WBro Derek Thornhill (Progress 1577) – PGSD,
WBro Jack Aston (Priory 693) – PGJD, WBro Stanley Bibby (Friendship 1459) – PGJD,
WBro Malcolm McCarthy (Friendship 1459) – PGJD, WBro Michael Porter (Ardwick 1222) – PGJD,
WBro Paul Waring (Good Report 1309) – PGJD and WBro John Whitney (Priory 693) – PGJD
Congratulations to all !
Celebrations continued at the post meeting meal in the nearby Connaught Rooms with a superb 3 course meal. The evening ended with us all returning to our various destinations.
Many thanks from us all to WBro Malcolm McCarthy PGJD for organising yet another successful London trip !

Report & pics courtesy of WBro T Stewart Mills PProvGSO