Grand Masters Lodge

On Wednesday 5th October, our PGM RW Bro.Alex Sillars McLaren attended Mark Masons Hall in London for the meeting of Grand Masters Lodge.

At the Meeting of this most prestigious Lodge, which is first on the list of Lodges and is without number, the Past Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Keith Emmerson, requested a photograph of himself with the three Provincial Grand Masters that he Installed when our Pro Grand Master, MW Bro Richard Victor Wallis, was unfortunately unavailable due to an accident.

(L-R) - RW Bro.Derek Arthur Upton PGM Channel Islands, RW Bro.Michael John Leslie Pearson PGM Dorset, Past Deputy Grand Master RW Bro.Herbert Keith Emmerson and RW Bro.Alexander Sillars McLarem PGM East Lancashire.
(L-R) – RW Bro.Derek Arthur Upton PGM Channel Islands, RW Bro.Michael John Leslie Pearson PGM Dorset, Past Deputy Grand Master RW Bro.Herbert Keith Emmerson and RW Bro.Alexander Sillars McLarem PGM East Lancashire.

The Grand Masters Lodge meets twice a year in April and October and is always well attended by the Present and Past PGMs and the Rulers of our Order.

One thought on “Grand Masters Lodge

  1. Mark Reader Reply

    A fine body of men..

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