Great Night at Fellowship Dinner

Once again the East Lancashire Mark Fellowship Team did a great job of delivering a wonderful night of entertainment and dining. This event has become the premier social evening for the province, with over 120 members, partners and guests attending the Holiday Inn Hotel in Bolton. Many of the guests chose to stay over at the hotel to extend the celebration long into the night.

If you have not experienced this event then watch out for next years invite. It takes place in November and will be well publicised by the fellowship reps and here on the website. It’s not to be missed. 

The venue is an old church that has been fully enveloped by the Hotel and is used regularly for large events and weddings. The high roof and the church atmosphere really does set the scene for the night.

The bar seemed to be well stocked and the wine table offered an acceptable range of white, reds and Rose for the meal, all at sensible prices. The three-course meal was well received, and there was even a Vegetarian option for a lady guest on our table. What was not to like.

The entertainer was a change to the programme, as the booked lady vocalist was unwell and unable to sing for us, in the nick of time they managed to find a male tenor, who was willing to drive up from Suffolk to Bolton for our entertainment. It proved a big success as he sang well-known songs with his big voice filling the huge venue with ease. His final song, Nessum Dorma, was delivered without music at the request of the audience. He planned to drive back home to Suffolk after his gig. Long night for him. The DJ eventually took over and played many requested tracks throughout the night with the ladies having more fun on the dancefloor than the gentleman. As usual, there was a big raffle with dozens of great prizes to be had.

It was gone midnight when the last dance track was played, but this wasn’t the signal to retire, as many guests finished their remaining drinks and chatted well into the small hours. Some even moved to the Hotel Bar for a nightcap. I have no idea what time we all went to bed but we had all had a good time and it was late.

Watch out for next years event, it really is worth attending and having some fun with the Mark Degree Fellowship.

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2 thoughts on “Great Night at Fellowship Dinner

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    What a great night and the pictures look really good. I do like the slide show.

  2. stewart mills Reply

    Fantastic efforts from the Mark Fellowship team very pleasant evening was had by all. Big thanks to mr Mrs summers for taking such great pictures and writing the post.

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