Hargreaves Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners 695

RAM Triangle 150 x 136

If you like your Ritual and would like to take part in an elevation ceremony –WE NEED YOUR HELP!   

On the 14th June 2012, after many years of struggling to survive, Blair Lodge of Mark Masters No113 held their last meeting and handed their warrant back to Grand Mark Lodge in London for safe keeping ending a One Hundred and Forty Two year history

This  meant that Hargreaves Royal Ark Mariner Lodge  now needed to find a new Mark Lodge to attach to so that it could continue its One Hundred and Thirty Nine year history and recruit new members. After much searching we have now found a Mark Lodge to attach to in, Pendle Lodge of Mark Master Masons No 695 and a new home at Padiham Masonic Hall where our future and history is once again secure. We meet on the first Wednesday in the months of, February, May (I)  and  October with our first meeting being on Wednesday 5th February 2014 where we will have a joining member and three elevations on the night, with another three in May. If you are available on the 5th February your support at the meeting would be appreciated, by either assisting with the ceremony or just showing your support by attending the meeting. Please contact me if you are available to help in the ceremony or just to give your support on the night. I am sure with you help and support we can make our first meeting at Padiham a success but more importantly a memorable night for our new members. Contact;  Graham Mangham (Scribe) graham@mangham.co.uk

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