Hog Roast

Despite the attraction of the England v Panama match (which surprisingly did not seem to concern the PGM), the sunshine at Middleton Masonic Hall yesterday proved a winner as a multitude of Brethren with their Ladies and guests turned up to enjoy the annual Hog Roast.

Enjoying the sunshine !

Entertainment was provided by St John’s Droylsden Brass Band, ably led by Pete Douthwaite (who it is rumoured will be joining the Mark next year !).

St John’s Droylsden Brass Band
Kevin Reaney and Meryvn Wilson prepare the pigs for racing.

The members of the Fellowship managed to extract several hundred pounds from the assembled throng via a raffle, roulette table, tombola, regalia stand, pig racing, play your cards right and lucky dip.

Paul Waring tries his luck with the dice.
John Rimmer relieving George Scaife of cash for the raffle.
Regalia sales yesterday took the total raised to date to £14750.
Stan Bibby and David Greenhalgh at the roulette table.

A glorious afternoon, enjoyed by all (particularly when news of Englands 6-1 victory filtered through !)

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