In favour of the candidate

On Thursday, 1st September St John’s Lodge of Mark Master Masons TI held their meeting at Bolton Masonic Hall. The Lodge was opened at 6:30 prompt by the Worshipful Master Bro Ivan Millington PProvGJW (WL).

The Worshipful Master thanked the brethren for attending and welcomed the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, WBro David G Rainford, PGJD and the eight members of the Deputation. WBro David G Rainford then proceeded to introduce the members of the Deputation to the brethren.

The Worshipful Master then proceeded with the Lodge summons. A ballot was taken for Bro Eric A Baker, a member of Martine Lodge No 3027 to be advanced at a later date. The ballot proved unanimously in favour of the candidate.

The Lodge was closed at 7:45. Onto the social board where we had a splendid buffet served with a large variety of hot and cold food.

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