Joining members turn corner for Skelmersdale

Skelmersdale Mark and RAM Lodge No. 141, which is only two years away from its 150th Celebration, held its Installation on the 19th February 2019. Nothing surprising about that you may say. The Assistant Prov. Grand Master Gerald Noel Howard Young was in attendance and accompanied by a goodly number of Provincial Officers of the year, nothing surprising about that either. 

Skelmersdale Mark /RAM lodge No 141 has been struggling somewhat over the past few years with poor turnout of members and regularly found it difficult to fill all of the officer’s positions in the lodge room, making even the opening and closing ceremonies difficult to complete, however, those that did attend worked as best they could and a generally happy lodge was the result. Alas, the time came to really consider closing the Lodge due to lack of membership. 

The Province was aware of the situation and offered immediate assistance on the membership front. Several Acting officers of the year and 2021 Festival Ambassadors offered to join Skelmersdale Lodge and bring some new blood to the meetings.  The membership rose from eight to thirteen in a single stroke. Now that was a surprise. All positions were immediately filled and officers appointed by declaration during the evenings’ Installation Ceremony.  What a transformation.

The A.P.G.M. commented that although it wasn’t the usual installation due to numbers it was a joy to see the ceremony was handled with dignity and humility and that the Lodge now had a future.  


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