Keep Lodge 911 Charity Evening

Swan & Royal Pub Clitheroe“Clitheroe ?? Where’s that ?” cried us Manc types as the PGM attempted yet again to draw us outside the comfort zone of the M60, ever further north. Now it’s years since I’ve been to Clitheroe and you forget what a beautiful part of the country North Lancashire actually is. A pleasant drive along “thay59” through some stunning scenery and you’re there. And what a good set-up the Brethren of Clitheroe have. A dedicated Lodge room above the Conservative Club and dining just across the road, upstairs at the Swan and Royal Hotel, a cracking pub/restaurant in the middle of the town.

IMG_1566The meeting started at 7pm and the Provincial Grand Master RWBro.Keith Partington Schofield GMRAC accompanied by the Provincial Deputation entered the Lodge. Warm greetings were offered by the WM WBro Alan Heywood, following which the PGM introduced the “team”.

The PGM went on to present Grand Lodge Certificates to Bros. Bruce Pollard and Harold Carus in his usual relaxed confident manner.

Following the meeting, the Brethren made the short trip across the road for drinks a fine meal. The main purpose of the evening then followed with our Provincial Grand Charity Steward, WBro Stephen Lord (a Lodge Member) enticing and cajoling all present to purchase 400 plastic ducks @ £1 each, which were arranged in a paddling pool (sorry, duck pond !) on the stage.

IMG_1573He then invited the PGM to net a winning duck which turned out to be number 299 and belonged to…guess who ? Yep, the PGM, winning the first prize of a fine bottle of whisky !

On the evening Stephen managed to raise almost £600 and concluded by reminding everyone of the Duck Race taking place at Sawley, Nr.Clitheroe on Sunday 19th April.

Whilst a late finish, it was certainly an evening with a difference and most enjoyable for all present !


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