Keystone 745 Centenary Celebrations

On Monday, 31st January 2022, Manchester Keystone Lodge No 745 celebrated their Centenary with the attendance of RWBro John H Smith, PGM, along with other guests totalling 33. The meeting commenced at 5.45 pm with WBro John Pearson, PGJD, in the chair. Following the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting and the various elections, the PGM entered the Lodge room accompanied by VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO, APGM and WBro Kevin Reaney, PGStwd, APGM.

RWBro Smith accepted the gavel and took the chair during which time he related to various historic events which had taken place during the last 100 years. He then referred to those Brethren, many of whom had since passed away, who helped the Lodge during its more recent history when the Lodge was struggling to survive. But with their help and that of other members, both old and new, they had enabled the Lodge to celebrate this wonderful achievement.

VWBro Thompson was invited to read a letter of welcome from the Province and the Centenary Warrant which was then presented to the Worshipful Master, Bro Pearson by the PGM. The Lodge then presented the following cheques for various charities, £600 to the ELMBF, £300 to Wood Street Mission, £300 to Prostate Cancer Research and £300 to East Cheshire Hospice, along with a further £60 to the next Provincial meeting.

Following the closure of the meeting at 6:40 everyone was treated to a champagne reception which was then followed by an excellent dining experience that included wine and port. This had been a very happy celebratory meeting with both excellent company and fine dining.

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