Lathom RAM 136

On 1st November at Bury Masonic Hall, Lathom Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 136 held their last meeting in 2022. A great turnout to see all the members of Lathom Royal Ark Mariners in attendance. A total of 14 brethren including 1 visitor. 

Our visitor PC Andrew Kinsey, who, only the previous evening at Rochdale Masonic Hall, was promoted to Provincial RAM Grand Rank, gave a splendid talk about the history of the RAM and Mark degree. The Worshipful Commander, Bro Robert Ashton continued with the summons in hand and closed the Lodge in harmony and moored up the Ark.

Onto the social board where once again we were served with a nice 3-course meal by Tina’s team  A Rob swindle took place and raised a lovely sum for worthy causes.  

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