Lathom RAM 136 – Installation Meeting

On Tuesday evening, 7th February at Bury Masonic Hall, Parsons Lane, Bury, Lathom Royal Ark Mariners Lodge no 136 held their Installation meeting.

In Attendance were the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire RWBro John Hartley Smith RAMGR and the Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies, WBro Steven Lord ProvRAMGR along with 12 members of Lathom Lodge. The Ark was  set sail at 6:35 by the Worshipful Commander Bro Robert J Ashton who welcomed the Provincial Grand Master and all present into the meeting.

The Charity Steward gave notice of various sums of money the Lodge wished to donate, including the ELMBF, Bury Cancer Support, Bury Jubilee Centre, Andy Man’s Club and to the Provincial meeting which this year is to be held at Bolton Town Hall on the 24th May.

The next item on the agenda was the installation of Bro Patrick McEvoy Commander Elect as the Worshipful Commander for the ensuing year. This was conducted by Bro Robert J Ashton in a most fitting manner. The newly installed Commander then proceeded to invest the new team and they took their respective offices.

The business of the Lodge being concluded the Ark was moored up at 7:35. After putting the Lodge room back to normal we proceeded downstairs to the social room where we were served a pleasant 3 course meal by Tina and the team of Fine Dine. The atmosphere around the table was excellent with many stories being shared by all. A raffle took place and raised a nice sum for good causes. A very fitting end to an enjoyable evening.

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