WBro Mark Teal of Semper Anatis Lodge No.22 today confirmed they will be entering two live ducks in the Duck Race at Sawley on 19th April. “We’ve checked the rules and there’s nothing in there that says live ducks can’t be entered” he said.
“We’ve had this pair in training for some time now” he explained, “I even took them up to Sawley a couple of weeks ago for a try out on the Ribble.”
When questioned further, he added “We’ve constructed wire collars which fit securely and snugly around their necks. There’s a small rod attached with a hook on the end. You simply blindfold the duck, attach a small fish to the hook and when the race starts, remove the blindfold and WHOOSH ! they’re off. One of them did that course in 1 min 53 secs so believe me, you’re looking at the winners here !”
Organiser Steve Lord, Provincial Charity Steward later commented “Well, it’s not really within the spirit of what I’d intended, but as long as they’ve paid the £25 for each duck then I suppose there’s not a lot I can do about it.”
“Still,” he smiled, “at least they’ll make a tasty addition to the post-race BBQ.”
Fair game or not Brethren ??

Steve Lawlor 16th April 2015
Good luck for Sunday hope you get good weather. Sorry cant be with you all but ‘Come on the Temperance duck’!!!!
Steve Lawlor Prov AGDC
Garry Errock 2nd April 2015
“Semper Anatis” – anyone ???
David Stevens 1st April 2015
Anybody know what today’s date is?
stephen lord 1st April 2015
No Plastic or rubber ducks have been injured during training for the race.
But one or two have gone a funny colours.
Eric Grosvenor 1st April 2015
Brilliant, is it hunting season down there? I think the ducks (live ones) have an advantage, they have a quack,,the plastic ones don’t,, I think if they QUACK during the race they are disqualified. It will add a little bit of colour among the yellow,that’s at the start only, if they are fast as declared. Best of luck to all on the day and may the best duck be eaten.