Lots of work at Faith 20 Mark & RAM

Faith Mark No 20 and Faith RAM No 20

On Monday 4 November, Faith Mark and RAM held their regular meetings. As there was a ceremony in the RAM degree, the Mark Lodge was held first. The meeting was opened at 6.25 by the Worshipful Master, Dr Craig Wood. The only business of the meeting was the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to the two latest candidates. The routine business of the meeting was completed promptly and the Lodge was closed at 6.55pm.

The room was quickly transformed into a RAM Lodge and business was commenced at 7.05. Dr Craig Wood was proclaimed commander for the ensuing year following which, he advanced the two brethren who had received their Grand Lodge Certificates earlier. Efficiently dealing with the remaining business of the Lodge, the proceedings were closed at 8.24pm.

The brethren retired for a delightful four-course dinner following which a raffle was held. The prize, a golden chance ticket, was won by Lodge Secretary, Carl Buckley.

T S Mills

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