Manchester Engineers Mark 1059

Thursday, 16th February at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester, Manchester Engineers Mark Lodge No 1059 held their installation meeting commencing at 18.05.
In attendance at this very prestigious Lodge was the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith along with VWBro David H Thompson, PGJO APGM and a small Provincial deputation .

The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master Bro Steven Boyle PAGSwdB, who welcomed the PGM into the Lodge and thanked him for taking the time out to attend the meeting. The Worshipful Master then offered the gavel to the Provincial Grand Master which on this occasion he accepted. The PGM spoke of the retirement of VWBro David H Thompson as an APGM who has served the East Lancashire Mark/RAM Province for the last 5 years in that capacity. He then announced that WBro Martin Roche, PAGSwdB, would be invested as VWBro Thompson’s successor on the 24th May at the Provincial meeting at Bolton Town Hall, Bolton .

The proceedings of the Installation of Bro Ashley Hayman, Master Elect were carried out by WBro Steven Boyle in a fitting manner. The working tools in this degree were explained by Bro Hiten Patel in a very detailed and dramatic way which was followed by a round of applause at his conclusion. The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective offices.

The proceedings of the meeting being ended the Lodge closed at 7:55. On to the dining room where there was an array of various canapés being served along with gin/ whisky/beers in full flow. The dining room was full with over 30 brethren sitting down to a 5-course fine dining experience. The atmosphere was electric with much banter. Both the Junior and Senior Wardens gave the most memorable speeches to the Provincial Grand Master, which were followed by the IPM toasting the newly installed Worshipful Master. Sadly the evening came to a close at around 10:20 pm. This evening was one not to be missed. 

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