Marathon Man Takes Gold !

Dear Brother Mark Masons,

Having managed to visit 42 Mark Lodges in 2017 out of a possible 50 in East Lancashire on my sponsorship attempt, I give a heartfelt thank you to all the Lodges and individual Mark Masons who sponsored me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Mark Masons who I had not already met before, and feel most grateful for the warm and friendly reception that was given to me. I also give a special thank you to my Brother Mark Masons in Joey Dunlop Lodge No. 1881 which is in Leicestershire and Rutland who also sponsored me. The total sponsorship money raised for the festival was £3672.

I was most grateful and surprised to receive a Grand Patron Gold Award Certificate, Collarette and Jewel from the Mark Benevolent Fund, presented to me by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire, Worshipful Brother John Hartley Smith.

Once again I thank all of you.

Best regards,

WBro Ron Coucill PProvGJD

2 thoughts on “Marathon Man Takes Gold !

  1. Bob Summers Reply

    Ron, it was a pleasure to see you at the many Mark Lodge meetings we visited. Who would have thought the final sum would get anywhere near £3000.00. Well done you.

  2. VWBro Brian F Sigsworth PGJO Reply

    Well done to WBro Ron Councill for all his efforts, as a member of my own Mark Lodge, St.Andrew;s No34 I know how hard he has worked and he deserves this honour.

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