Mark Benevolent Fund appoint PGM as Trustee

It was at last Friday nights meeting of the East Lancs Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge 1272 meeting at Audenshaw that our Provincial Grand Almoner WBro Barry Heal made the announcement that our PGM RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren has been appointed a Trustee of the Mark Benevolent Fund.

The PGM modest as ever, responded that he considered the appointment as a great honour for the Province.

On behalf of the Province Sir, congratulations from all of us on this prestigious appointment!

2 thoughts on “Mark Benevolent Fund appoint PGM as Trustee

  1. Bro. Tam Meikle, RWM Lodge Carron 139 (Scottish Constitution) Reply

    May I take this opportunity to thank the PGM RW Bro. Alexander McLaren and all his Office Bearers for affording me the courtesy of their company on Saturday 12th January 2018 at Stanley House, Audenshaw along with the East Lancashire Provincial Provincial Grand Stewards.
    I attended at the invite of an affiliate member of my Mother Lodge Brother Fraser McCord whom I have built up a great friendship over the last few years. I cannot thank Fraser enough for the hospitality he afforded me.
    I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the talk given was very well received by all and everyone must be commended.
    The meal afterwards was excellent.
    I also met up with several Companions who have affiliated to Carron Royal Arch Chapter 478 recently and indeed met up with our next prospective member and I am sure we will reciprocated the hospitality shown to me.
    I look forward to my next visit which in fact will be in February at a District Royal and Select Master meeting where Brother McCord will be receiving a very well deserved commission.

    May I pass on warm and fraternal greetings from myself as Right Worshipful Past Masters, Office Bearers and brethren from all at Lodge Carron No. 139 – Scottish Constitution.

    Bro. Tam Meikle
    Lodge Carron 139

    1. alex mclaren Reply

      Good morning Tam,
      Thank you for posting on our Web Site and for your kind comments re Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge. I am delighted that you enjoyed the evening and you are most welcome to visit us again. Maybe some of the Brethren from Lodge Carron would also like a trip South? Especially if they have Gairdoch connections!!

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