Mark Calendars on sale at Bury Market

On Friday 4 December W.Bro Gerry Young & Annette Young and W.Bro Stewart Mills & Janet Mills set up camp at 8-30 am on Bury market. The stall was kindly provided free to the Mark Festival for the sale of the Mark calendars. Later in the morning  VWBro David Thompson arrived to help out. It was certainly a very cold day but this did not stop the enthusiasm & banter to promote the sales of the calendars. Lots of people were milling around the market and we had a few distinguished Mark Masons who came along to support us, including our PGM & his wife. We managed to sell a number of calendars but by 2 pm it became very cold. With that, we packed up & returned to our homes and fireside.

A big thank you for those who helped us out. 


One thought on “Mark Calendars on sale at Bury Market

  1. Graham Mangham Reply

    Well done you all, it was very cold and you did well to last as long as you did.
    Merry Christmas to you all.

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