Mark Christmas Gala Party raises £3000 !

On the 12th December 2015 the Mark Christmas Gala Party was held at The Adelaide Suite AccrMark Christmas Gala Partyington, hosted by Barbara Peters the “Food and Beverage Manager”. The event was attended by over one hundred people and raised the Fantastic sum of £3000.00!!

Included in this money were donations from persons who were unable to attend but wanted to contribute. Barbara had also held a couple of car boot sales to dispose of peoples unwanted items. David Biggs did a short explanation of the 2021 Festival for the non-masonic guests and the night then got under way. A gallon of Whiskey was one of the prizes won over the Bar in the weeks up to the night as well as a bottle of 30 year old port.

A 1.5 ltr. Bottle of Prosecco was the prize for one lucky person in the “Maypole” game and the raffle prize was a Christmas box of Goodies for a winner on each table. Seats were not allocated on each table as there was a “free” raffle for a number of prizes with the winning numbers stuck randomly under the chairs.

There was a “Gift Tree” which had envelopes for sale at £5 each and these envelopes contained redeemable vouchers, all of which were worth more than £10 from Barbara’s suppliers and local businesses. Everyone was entertained until 12.30 am by Gavin Young, a brilliant singer, with all sorts of music ranging from Italian classics to the Lancashire “Chippy Tea”.

Mark Gala Christmas Party

One of the highlights of the evening was the singing of the Twelve days of Christmas (with all the actions) by the guests on each of the tables and the best actors won the prize!

Everybody had an enjoyable fun filled evening, (as they didn’t really know what to expect!) but we did live up to the motto “MAY THE FUN BE WITH YOU” !

Barbara Peters

3 thoughts on “Mark Christmas Gala Party raises £3000 !

  1. […] The Provincial Grand Master then had a most pleasant duty to perform. Barbara Peters had organised a...
  2. alex mclaren Reply

    This sounds like a wonderful fun evening. Congratulations to Barbara on all her efforts and many thanks for the wonderful contribution to the 2021 Festival

  3. David Biggs Reply

    A truly excellent night, delighted to have been asked to contribute. Well done Barbara and John Peters for organising this event.

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