Mark Masons meet at Piccadilly

Tuesday 11th of June saw the annual investiture meeting of Grand Mark Lodge at Great Queen Street London.
42 East Lancashire Mark Masons met at Piccadilly Station in Manchester to be greeted by Tracy our regular guide, on our way to London. Boarding at 7-58 am in no time at all the boxes of sandwiches were given out, swiftly followed by the usual, modest, drinks. A two hour trip to Euston was filled with conversation and laughter. Grand Mark Lodge opened at 1.00pm. In all, there were around 1200 Mark Masons in attendance, from various parts of the world. Also in attendance was the Grand Master, HRH Prince Michael of Kent, who conducted the proceedings in his usual efficient manner. Five East Lancashire brethren were honoured on the day, Mark Davis and Kevin Reaney as Grand Stewards, John Rimmer and Roger Fielding as PAGDC’s and Stephen Boyle as PAGSwdB. The meeting was followed by a 3-course meal in the Connaught dining rooms following which 12 brethren made their way back to Euston Station for the journey home with the majority staying overnight at the Union Jack Club.

A successful trip which was enjoyed by all.

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