Master’s and Commander’s Dinner

On 10th March at Bury Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark held their Master’s and Commander’s 2023 dinner.

In attendance on this special occasion were the Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith and his good lady Jane, with additional support from the DepPGM, WBro David Rainford, along with the two APGMs, VWBro David H Thompson and WBro Kevin M Reaney with their wives and partners.

The meeting point was at the bar at 6:45 where over 56 brethren and their wives/partners met for pre-dinner drinks. This was a black-tie event and the ladies were in their finery. The brethren were called upstairs into the Lodge room for the annual photo shoot which on this occasion was being taken by WBro T Stewart Mills (If any brother would like a picture please contact the above).
The 3-course meal was set to start at 7:30 and what a splendid display of 7 round tables dressed up with flowers and lit candles. On this occasion, it was about enjoying each other’s company and not a formal event. Everyone enjoyed a fantastic meal, the food was presented by Tina and the Fine Dine staff in a very professional manner.

The evening came to a close at around 9:30 when the Provincial Grand Master thanked everyone for their attendance considering the snowy conditions.

To conclude on the night I’d like to say a big thank you to WBro Mark Rowe who helped to organise this event.

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