Masters and Commanders Dinner – celebratory dinner on Friday 13th

The Masters & Commanders of both Mark and Royal Ark Mariners held their celebratory dinner on Friday 13th March at Bury Masonic Hall. The Provincial Grand Master invited all Masters & Commanders in the chair during 2019/20 to come together and enjoy meeting other members in office.
In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master Alexander Sillars McLaren accompanied by his lady wife Leslie. VWBro David Thompson & WBro Gerald H Young & their partners also joined in the gathering. In all, there were 62 brethren and partners, who through adversity, had decided to make the effort to attend this annual event at Bury. The evening started at 7:00 pm with pictures being taken of all Masters and commanders in office, including the PGM & distinguished guests.

Everyone then enjoyed a splendid 4-course dinner provided by Fine Dine, the catering company who look after both Radcliffe and Bury Masonic Hall. The staff were excellent and provided a real silver service experience. The PGM proposed the toast to the Queen and said a few words of thanks to those attending under the current circumstances and advised us all to take care of each other over the coming months. It was a very pleasant evening indeed and well worth attending if you are in the chair of a Mark or RAM lodge in the foreseeable future.

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2 thoughts on “Masters and Commanders Dinner – celebratory dinner on Friday 13th

  1. Stephen Lord Reply

    Lovely evening, good company and good food what more could you ask for.

    1. Bob Summers Reply

      Sorry, we couldn’t be there. We opted to attend a Ladies Evening in the Province of North Wale. Glad to hear you all had a splendid evening.

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