MBF Charity Walk


Dear Brethren,

The Mark Charity Walk 2017

The Mark Charity Walk is the first ever single day charitable fund raising event for the Mark Benevolent Fund that draws upon volunteer participants from across Mark Grand Lodge’s Provincial and District Grand Lodges.
I have put together an East Lancashire Provincial Walk Team led by myself and comprising of John Smith, Tony Davies, Gerry Young and the two Provincial Wardens Roger Fielding and Kevin Reaney. We will be walking for East Lancashire around the Royal Parks in London, along with teams from all the UK Provinces on Saturday 6th May 2017 and I’ll report our success at our Provincial meeting.

What makes this event unique is the coming together of Provinces and Districts on a single day with the common goal of raising awareness of and support for the Mark Benevolent Fund. At the same time sponsorship donations for the event will qualify for individual or Lodge patronage honorifics as well as the 2021 Festival.
This event encapsulates the fraternal nature of our friendly Order and the generous disposition of our members in the discharge of their charitable endeavours.

I and my Provincial walk team are looking forward to receiving your valuable support and sponsorship donations. Remember your sponsorship donations will be credited towards your MBF Honorifics as well as being identified in support of the 2021 East Lancashire Festival.

The Sponsorship form contains an example of the donation details. Do tick the individual column for any donation above the sum of £10 which you wish to be allocated for your individual patronage qualification.
I do thank you so much in anticipation for your support and sponsorship donations.

Yours Faithfully,

Alex S McLaren
Provincial Grand Master

To maximise this tremendous opportunity, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of East Lancashire are delighted to participate in this incredible National fund raising event, in support of the Mark Benevolent Fund (MBF) and the 2021 East Lancashire Festival. As you may expect, the Provincial Grand Master, Alex and his Walk Team are already well into their training regimes!

They are looking forward to receiving your valuable support and sponsorship donations. Remember, donations will be credited towards your MBF Honorifics as well as being identified in support of the 2021 East Lancashire Festival.

Good luck to the Province of East Lancashire Walk Team and thank you so much, in anticipation of your support !

WATCH THE VIDEO NOW ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE ! – www.facebook.com/eastlancsmark/


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