Message from the Provincial Grand Master

RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren Provincial Grand MasterBrethren,
I thought it was appropriate, a week after the Government issued clear instructions about self-isolation and not making unnecessary journeys and two weeks after all Freemasonry in the UK was Suspended that I write to you all and send my good wishes. I really do hope that you are safe and well.
I also trust that you are all observing the guidelines.
I think we all realise that we are not at the peak of this pandemic yet and I am sure that you, like myself, are seeing on the news what is taking place in Italy and Spain.
You should have seen the message from our Provincial Grand Almoner, WBro Barry Heal and I urge you to get in touch if you have any problems that you think we could possibly help with.
Can I also request that every Brother ensures that all the Brethren of your Mark and RAM Lodges are contacted, by telephone, to see that they are keeping well and coping.
This cannot just be a task for the Almoner of the Lodge; it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure that this happens. Please, please do not miss that Brother that you might not have seen for a little while.
I would ask that the Lodge Almoner becomes the coordinator of this activity and requests assistance from all the Lodge members.
Just remember what we say to every Candidate …

should other friends forsake you, should the envious traduce your good name, or the malicious persecute you, should dangers doubts or difficulties assail you, should force attempt to drive or temptation entice you from the right path, amongst Mark Master Masons you will always find friends who will administer relief to your distress and comfort in your afflictions ……

On a brighter note, we all have plenty of unexpected time on our hands. Use it wisely. Last week was relatively easy with good weather allowing us to do more work than usual in the garden. The return to a cold day last Saturday and even a few snow flurries on Sunday may have caused us to undertake some domestic chores. Leslie certainly has a list for me!!

…… or now might be the time to learn that piece of ritual that you have always wanted to deliver ….or it might be the opportunity to learn a new skill ….. the point is, please keep active, physically and mentally.

We will come out of this at some time in the future and we need to be ready and able to pick up from where we left off.

I am obviously sorry that we cannot hold Provincial Grand Lodge in May and I feel especially for those Brethren that were to receive their First Appointments or a well-deserved Promotion. We hope to hold a Provincial Grand Lodge later in the year, but we will have to wait and see how the situation develops.

Likewise, I am aware that the Mark Grand Ranks are due out next weekend and for those receiving a First Appointment, they will miss the spectacle that is Grand Lodge in June and of course the joys of the journey to and from London. We hope that the Promotions will go ahead at Grand Lodge in September, but again we will have to wait and see how the situation develops.

If you are Members of any of our Provincial Lodges ….. Provincial Grand Officers Lodge, Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge, Thomas Sharples Barlow Lodge or Provincial Grand Officers Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners you will receive an email from myself via the Lodge Secretary/Scribe advising you of what is being proposed for each of these Lodge if they were scheduled to meet during the period of Suspension.

I have been in regular contact with the Deputy, Assistants and Provincial Secretary and we have scheduled a Video Conference for Thursday 2nd April where we will discuss the current situation in more detail and what further actions we might take.

In the meantime, please take care, look after your families and all the Brethren of your Lodges

Yours sincerely and fraternally,

RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren Provincial Grand Master

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